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Company Info

Q’ente is a top-ranked tour operator recommended by Lonely Planet, Let’s Go, Footprint, South American Handbook, Peru Handbook, Cusco & Inca Trail Guide, mycusco.com and andeantravelweb.com. As well, we were recognized as «THE BEST INCA TRAIL TOUR OPERATOR» by the Peruvian Ministry of Tourism in 2002.

Q’ente was founded in 1995, and for 10 years we have serviced thousands of adventure seekers, trekkers, eco-tourists, and cultural enthusiasts. We began as a very small company, but so many people have enjoyed our trips that we have grown. Even so, we go to great lengths to preserve the personal touch in everything we do, and we are committed to providing quality, customer service, professionalism, and above all your enjoyment and safety.

Every one of our clients gets personalized attention. We have built the Q’ente reputation by thoughtfully attending to details and constantly upgrading our staff and logistics capabilities. When you are dealing with Q’ente you are dealing with the actual tour operator, not an agency or re-seller. We are an established company with professional offices and logistics capabilities, high-quality gear, and a genuine love for what we do.

Being constantly innovative in the services and programs we offer is what makes Q’ente the top tour operator in Cusco. We offer a variety of adventure treks, expeditions, and special tour packages – all of them featuring the area’s major attractions as well as some of the most off-the-beaten-path alternatives that can be found in our wonderful country of Peru.

Q’ente exists because we deeply believe in Peru and its historical and archeological importance in the world. As a top tourist destination in the world, both the city of Cusco and the country of Peru enjoy the benefits of increasing worldwide tourism, but this also means that Cusco and Peru incur the threats associated with tourism as well. We ask that all of our clients thoughtfully consider and pay attention to the natural and cultural sites that we visit. Q’ente whole-heartedly supports and protects Peru’s resources, and we are especially sensitive to the local communities and tourist attractions that we visit. We practice environmentally sound methods to lessen the impact on the areas that we visit and we politely insist that our clients do the same.

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