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Qente Family

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Qente Family

Q’ente is an expert adventure tour operator staffed by top professionals. Our guides are all official Guides as defined by Peruvian tourism law and our staff consists entirely of qualified travel and tourism professionals with years of experience.

We are committed to providing quality, customer service, professionalism, and above all your enjoyment and safety.


Name and Lastname Job Position Email Phone
Joaquín Jordán – CEO & Owner CEO & Owner gerencia@qente.com (51+84) 984923231 – 984766553
Yuri Soto Operations operaciones@qente.com (51+84) 984766559
Diana Hurtado Operations operaciones2@qente.com (51+84) 984766557
Tomasa Martínez Reservations reservas@qente.com (51+84) 984766558
Diana Hurtado Operations operaciones2@qente.com (51+84) 984766557
Ambar Pacheco Sales sales@qente.com (51+84) 984766554
Mónica Calderón Accounting contabilidad@qente.com (51+84) 984766561
Alberto Araujo Logistics logistica@qente.com (51+84) 984766560
Marcial Ferro Driver (51+84) 984766563
Doris Quispe Transfer transfers@qente.com Phone: (51+84) 984766556


  • Alexis Fuentes
  • Celinda Humilde
  • Edwin Yabarrena
  • Haydee Delgado
  • Marisol Flores
  • Miguel Paredes
  • Nicolás Apaza
  • Raúl Ramírez
  • Rubén Soto
  • Sócrates Caballero
  • Whilmer Alarico
  • Yamil Puelles
  • Alex Callañaupa
  • Alex Jara
  • Isidro Huamaní
  • Jesús Jusca
  • José Luis Escalante
  • Juan Pucyura
  • Julio Jusca
  • Paulino Albaro
  • Percy Huamán
  • Rufino Quito
  • Raul Quispe
  • Toribio Salgado
Modern & Beautiful

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Aerial view of Cape Town with Cape Town Stadium

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