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Inca Trail 4 Days – Private Service

Price 4 DAYS / 3 NIGHT
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Inca Trail 4 Days – Private Service

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The well-known Inca Trail in Cusco is one of the most famous and amazing trails in the world. A combination of natural beauty, history and mysterious Inca culture.
It is a walking route that leads through the mountains above the Urubamba River, following the course of an old Inca roadway that leads to the breathtaking Machupicchu Sanctuary.

The trail itself brings us a combination of landscapes of high altitude mountain ranges (the Andes) and dense subtropical forest.

The Inca Trail is part of a 30000 kilometers highway system that integrated the vast Inca Empire of Tahuantinsuyu (The Four Ways), running from southern Colombia to central Chile passing through the cities of Quito (Ecuador), Cajamarca, Huanuco, Jauja, Huamanga, Cusco (Peru), La Paz and Cochabamba (Bolivia) and finishing in Salta and Tucuman (Argentina).

These highways run mainly by the coast, through the highlands and in some cases reached the tropical mountains near the Amazon forest.

We pick you up from your hotel very early to travel by bus until Ollantaytambo where we stop for a break to buy the last purchases. Then immediately afterwards the bus will be taking us directly towards Piskacucho (2700 m.s.n.m.) a small community located at a height of the kilometre 82 of Cusco - MachuPicchu way, where we begin our trek and will set up with the whole equipment that it will make possible that our trip is the whole success. We will cross the bridge then to initiate with our trek along the left shore of the river Urubamba that flows to the North-east of the Sacred Valley. After approximately 3 hours we come to the first site Inca, Patallaqta or Llactapata (2750 m.s.n.m.) Then we will follow our trek approximately 30 minutes continuing along the valley created by the river Kusichaca, up to coming to our point of lunch called Tarayoc. After approximately 2 hours we will manage to reach to our Wayllabamba first camp (3000 msnm) where we will have a reparatory dinner and we will spend the night. During the tour, we will be able to enjoy a splendid panorama: the Vilcanota river, Urubamba mountain range, with the top of the mountain the Verónica (5750 m.s.n.m), covered with snow and with a great variety of flora and fauna along the whole tour. View Briefing video sample - Inca Trail
We start the day with a healthy breakfast approximately at 7:00 am and you will be provided with snacks, we will begin our second day trek that is the hardest of the way, and it consists of ascend and descend paths around 9 kilometers and 7 or 8 hours approximately. Along this ascent the landscape was changing saw to Puna, a dry and high area with scanty vegetation. Where we will arrive at the first highest step of the mountain to 4200 m.s.n.m. Call Warmihuañusca (Dead woman pass) we will be able to observe lamas and alpacas domesticate feeding with Andean grass (Ichu Quechua name), one of the few plants that grow in this altitude. Also we will cross for an area of the forest where live diverse types of animals as the sparrows and the Andean bear or spectacled bear. It is advisable to carry candies, chocolates and coca leaves to support a high level of sugar in your body and avoid altitude sickness. After first pass we will descend approximately 2 or 2.30 hours towards Pacaymayu valley (3600 m.s.n.m.) the camp, where we have lunch and the dinner. After 7 hours of trek.
This one is the longest day but interesting and impressive as well. After a delicious breakfast we cover approximately 1 hour up to archaeological site Runkurakay (3800 m.s.n.m.), our professional guide will explain about it. From Runkurakay we will ascend to the second pass with the same name (3970 msnm). After resting the pass we will descend for approximately 1 hour for the lagoon Yanacocha (black lagoon) then to visit the archaeological site of Sayacmarca (3624 m.s.n.m.) and after 30 minutes we come to the camp of Chaquicocha place (3600m.s.n.m), where we will have the lunch then to continue with our trek and to observe how the geography is changing the aspect And mountainous and semitropical jungle. Later we continue approximately 1 ½ hours through an easy path, we will come to the third pass Phuyupatamarca (3700 m.s.n.m.). We will follow our trek inside theInca tunnel (25 meters long). This is one of the archaeological complexes most complete and better preserved, it is the highest point of the mountain Phuyupatamarca that means “Clouds on the City“ from this part we will be able to observe a sophisticated complex and compound of several fountains and with impressive conference of the river Urubamba along which we will continue ascending towards Wiñayhuayna (forever young) (2700 m.s.n.m.). Where we spend our last night on the trail.
This day is most expected from our excursion. We wake up very early and after have breakfast, we start our final leg of the trek and arrive in 2 hours to Inti Punku(door of the Sun), where we have the first beautiful view of Machupicchu. In all its brilliance and majesty monumentally. In Machupicchu we will initiate with the guided of 2.5 hours that he/she will lead us across this historical wonder giving us the necessary explanations on principal remains and monuments, such as the Principal Plaza, Temple of Three Windows, Intiwatana , The Quarter of the Mortars, The Temple of the Condor, the cemeteries and enclosures, sacred sources, urban and agricultural sector and others. Then we will have free time to continue admiring the place to take plenty of photos. Between the activities suggested for this day you can conquer WAYNAPICCHU Mountain and enjoy the landscape, and then we will go down to the village Aguas Calientes and spend time on Aguas Calientes ( hot springs) In the afternoon we will taking the train back to Cusco.
* People who want to visit Huayna Picchu must let us know as soon as they can, because according to new rules, there is a limit of people (400) per day that can climb it.
Timetable :
1st Turn 08:00 am : 200 people.
2nd Turn 10:00 am : 200 people.
Any time between March (2016) - January (2017) Group Size: Depends on the client
Departures: Depends on the client.


  • Private transportation : Hotel – Piskacucho / Train Station – Cusco hotel
  • Bus : Aguas Calientes – Machupicchu.
  • Vistadome Train : Aguas Calientes – Cusco.
  • Entrance fees : Inka Trail / Machupicchu
  • Proffesional bilingual guide : 2 guides for groups over 9 people. (Guided visit to the Inca city of Machu Picchu).
  • Cook : In charge of meal preparation.
  • Porters : Carry tents and cooking equipment.
  • Personal Porter : Carry backpacks, sleeping bags and mattresses (Max. 8 kilos/ 17.4 lbs per person).
  • Meals : 3B / 4L / 3D / Snacks and afternoon teas. Food vegetarian available upon request prior coordination.
  • Equipment : Tents (2 people in each 3 person-capacity), inflatable mattress, dinner tent, kitchen tent, tables and chairs, first aid kit (Including oxygen bottle). Radio communication.


  • Breakfast : 1st day.
  • Dinner : 4th day
  • Sleeping bag
  • Walking poles
  • Tips