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Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain

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Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain

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One of the most important mountain ranges in the world is the Andean mountain range that crosses all South America, especially Peru which is home to the eastern cordillera of the south, where we find one of the spectacular formations that nature gives us. Peruvians have baptized it as the mountain of seven colors that represents the rainbow that signifies for the Andean man the covenant between God and man at the same time a sign of the spiritual world giving a sign of good times.

Visit Vinicunca the mountain or Rainbow mountain  not only allows you to connect with nature but also with the deidas from the time of the Incas and still valid.

Also for those who ascend it is a personal challenge to climb to 5,200 meters high that will allow you to see in yourself how far you can get in your goals.

pure oxygen, nature, local people, unique sceneries all this offers the mountain of seven colors ,Vinicunca.

Pick you up at your  Hotel in Cusco between 4:30 to 5:00 a.m.  then towards the south area of Cusco by a paved road pass throught small towns like Saylla, Huacarpay,  Urcos  and after  2 hours riding by car we reach  Cusipata  town  (Tintinco Community) where we will have a breakfast, then continue for 1 hour more to  Wasi Pata area and comunity where the cars  Park  at  4,600 meters above sea level. From this point we will begin to  walk through an easy and  accessible path for an approximate  1:30 hrs and  will arrive at the top of Vinicunca Rainbow mountain  located at 5.200 mts  altitude , from the top we can enjoy a magnificent chain of snowcape mountains . You will spend at the top of Rainbow mountain  around 30 minutes  taking pictures and enjoying an unique natural scenery . After a short walk around the mountain and sorroudings , you will return walking for one hour  in order to reach our bus that will transport back to the bottom of the mountain where we will have lunch and rest a bit , later we will return to Cusco for around 2:30 hrs and arrive to Cusco city  approx.  5:00 pm. We can drop in dontown or in your hotel.


  • Pick-up from your hotel or Plaza Regocijo  and drop-off near the main square
  • Professional, bilingual tour guide
  • Transportation: Comfortable and secure private buses and minivans.
  • Breakfast and Box Lunch  (vegetarian options available)
  • First aid kit (includes emergency oxygen tank)
  • Entrance to Rainbow mountain


  • Extra drinks and meals
  • Dinner
  • Snacks
  • Tips